A delegation from PEVASA has been present at the annual meeting organised by ICCAT to review and approve measures to help manage tropical tuna and tuna-like species fisheries in a sustainable way.

The 23rd meeting was held in the Portuguese town of Faro, and despite the fact that the scientific committee (SCRS) reported an improvement in the stock of Bigeye Tuna (BET) and that catches of this species are currently below their maximum sustainable yield, the attending countries were unable to reach a consensus to increase the current TAC and eliminate some of the technical measures applied only to the purse seine mode.

Once again, it is clear that it is difficult to take measures within the RFMOs to guarantee a responsible, sustainable and balanced fishery between the different fisheries. The blocking interests of a minority have been preventing a lasting management agreement from being reached for more than 5 years, resulting in a provisional situation that does not help either the resource or the industry.

Nevertheless, and in line with our sustainable commitment, PEVASA will continue to work with different contracting parties and scientists, providing data on the activity of its fleet in order to reach a general consensus to adopt measures that will truly help tropical tunas to remain in a healthy situation.