Pesquería Vasco-Montañesa (PEVASA) is a company dedicated to the extraction of tropical tunas and its supply with the highest quality to the world canning and food industry in general.
Our vessels are registered in ICCAT and IOTC, as well as in the PROACTIVE VESSEL REGISTER (PVR) of ISSF. Certified by AENOR in Tuna From Responsible Fishing UNE 195006/p>
We are proud to count on all those who are part of this company and have been part of it, without whom, it would have been difficult for us to remain for almost half a century.
Pevasa’s group currently operates a fleet of 6 modern freezer tuna vessels, with lengths between 75 and 87 m. and capacities from 1100 to 1400 tons of skipjack tuna.